
Sunday, September 25, 2011

帛琉 Palau

帛琉 Palau: 同时出席的帛琉总统陶瑞宾(Johnson Toribiong)也持相同看法。他引用季辛吉的说法,指两岸歧见,可经由经济手段消弭。

The Palau President Taorui Bin (Johnson Toribiong) also held the same view. He cited Kissinger's statement, referring to the cross-strait differences, can eliminate through economic means.

Taorui Bin 23 also pointed out that Taiwan be treated just like the international "political embargo"; his support for cross-strait reconciliation, also promised to help Taiwan's international space open, join the ICAO (ICAO), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other specialized organization.

Sixty-sixth General Assembly, 13 open meeting, the Malaysian Government to continue the cross-strait diplomatic truce over the past three years, this year's push to join the UN is no longer the case, eliminating the need to war with China in UN General Assembly, the Committee requested the friendly voice instead to help Taiwan join the UN's specialized agencies.
Tags: happycall, bo liu, palau, jellyfish lake, pulau, 帛琉, 帛琉 palau

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