
Saturday, May 21, 2011

M1 Service Down

M1 Service Down: M1 Service Down since morning. Is m1 Service down? Seems now its turn to have problems with 3G. Since about 7pm (at least that’s when I noticed), I was unable to access 3G data services. Voice calls were okay though, fortunately, so at least in this respect it was better than the SingTel 3G outage that happened last year.

I wonder how reliable the 3G elsewhere in the world. The outage from SingTel 3G last year lasted some 7 hours (according to CNET). It’s now over 2 hours with M1. It seems the “uptime” for 3G here isn’t great.

Update (9pm): Ok just after I blog about it, the service seems to be back up.

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