
Friday, May 25, 2012

IBM Bans Siri For Fear of...

IBM Bans Siri For Fear of...

IBM has banned the use of Apple's Siri virtual assistant on its internal network due to potential security risks.

IBM Chief Technology Officer Jeanette Horan has ruled to ban the use of Apple’s Siri voice-controlled virtual assistant by IBM employees.

In an interview, Horan explains that Siri is a security risk for anyone dealing with confidential information since the voice commands are sent to Apple for translation into text, making it possible to intercept those commands. And since Siri can be used to write emails and text messages, as well as perform searches, and a wide variety of other tasks, it’s entirely possible that sensitive IBM data is being leaked to outside sources.

If privacy and security is also on your priority list and you want to turn Siri off, simply go to: Settings > General > Siri, and slide the option to “off.”

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